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Anthony's Barber Shop

Anthony's Barber Shop

Shadows and Silhouettes

Shadows, (and highlights), are essential to creating "Form" in a photograph.

Without shadows, (and highlights), the brain interprets everything presented in a photograph as being flat.

There are different types of shadows, deep and light, hard edged and soft edged, cast and reflected or diffused.

Silhouettes are powerful because a simple outline can be effective as a focal point (it is rarely the subject unless it includes a storytelling element).

The most powerful silhouettes include a storytelling element.

The definition of a silhouette is the dark shape and outline of someone or something visible against a lighter background.

In the barber shop image, is it a shadow or a silhouette? It is a complex picture. The light coming in through the window is definitely casting shadows. Is the barber standing a shadow or a silhouette?